Tuesday, October 30, 2007


The Game is Over... CQWW DX SSB my best contest is over for this year, now we have to wait till 25 Oct 2008 for the next CQWW.

Anyhow it was big fun we had great time all the guys was great, every thing went as expected no hardware problem what so ever, anyhow we made around 5,000 qso and a score of 10.5M which looks fine for the current propagation status (Bottom of the solar cycle) .

as promised in my earlier post i have recorded the whole contest in to mp3 format files each 41mb in size to download them go to http://www.9k2hn.com and click on audio recording link.

Please let me what do you think, and also you can find your qso with me and see hos you sounded in the side, this recording was only in the Run station so if the qso is made from the mult station it is not recorded.


1 comment:

Tomas said...

Hi,I downloaded your audio file and searched little bit and finally found my voice in our qso. It sounds ufb althought someone else was tuning on the frequency and my minimalistic setup .

Another intresting audio database is at OL5Q web site http://ol5q.nagano.cz/audio.php . They have each qso separate into small audio file.

Thanks for sharing.
73! Tomas ok4bx